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New Economic Development Project Proposed by Owasso City

Май, 22 2017
watermark Economic news

During the council held in early May, the staffs of Owasso City made a project proposal for a new  Economic Development Strategic Planning intended for the community itself.

The proposal highlighted an agreement with the TadZo Consulting, known to be a consulting firm specializes in the economic development and site selection, they are part of the project in order to administer strategic services towards the city.

This is because the town has seen growing rapidly over the past few years and presumed further responsibility in developing its own economy. They gave importance on establishing defined objectives as well as devising policies effective for achieving their economic goals.

With the involvement of TadZo, it ensures that the town is able to execute such task through engaging, educating and empowering everyone concerned in the project through a definite method.

The economic developer would offer further assistance for the Owasso to catch the eye of its target audience through conducting comprehensive researches in identifying new community offerings.

The range of work is divided into three phases which include the current situation, strategic priorities, and strategic plan. This is done in order to have an efficient task in customizing the challenges, necessities, and opportunities for

The plan will undergo for a vote scheduled on Wednesday, July 5. In case the economic project will be approved, the cost will not exceed at $60,000 and would take six to eight working months which will start in July.

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